Southborough Library
Southborough Library

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We put the "fun" in fundraising!

Watch this space! We have a variety of fun fundraisers coming your way in the near future! Information about our Book Sales can be found below, but for the most up to date information about upcoming book sales and other fundraisers, please email and ask to be added to our email distribution list. You also can follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Everyday Book Sale

Look for great gifts? Give the gift of reading!

Everyday Book Sale
Everyday Book Sale downstairs, around the corner from the Children's Room

Did you know that Library patrons can shop our "Every Day Book Sale" shelves year round? Located in specially designated areas of the library - our Every Day Book Sale is full of sought after bestsellers and really great literary finds. Ask a staff member to point them out for you!

Donating to our Sales

When and where to donate books & materials

The Southborough Library is not currently accepting book and/or materials donations at this time. We accept materials twice a year, in the weeks leading up to our Fall and Spring book sales. Please watch this website and sign up for Library emails to be notified when donation drop off opens.  

In the meantime, you can always donate directly (a few books at a time) to one of our Little Free Library sites at the Southborough Commuter Rail Station, Fayville Park playground, or the one near the Woodward School playground. There is a map online here: - just enter the “01772” zip code to find those and other sites in town.

Community Book Sales

Join us for our big sales in June & in October

Friends members organize three special book sales per year – in June, October, and December - as fundraisers for the Library. There, you can find gently used books at below bargain basement prices and delight in browsing a wide selection of hardcover and paperback fiction as well as nonfiction books for adults, teens and children. Fun fact: every child gets to go home with one free book! We also sell DVDs, Blu Rays, Video Games, and Audio CDs. 

Get up to date information about any upcoming book sales by signing up for the Library’s eNewsletter or checking out the Southborough Library Facebook page.

Materials we accept

What do we not take?

Books! All books should be in good, readable condition without mildew, mold, or water damage. (We do not accept donations of encyclopedias, dictionaries, or magazines).  You can also bring us your old DVDs, Blu Rays, Video Games [all systems], and Audio CDs. All items must be delivered on-site. Library Donations are limited to 50 books per week OR 3 boxes of books per week. If you have questions about your donations, please call in advance to speak with either Library Director Ryan Donovan or Assistant Library Director Kim Ivers. Thank You!!