Southborough Library
Southborough Library

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Newspapers & Magazines

Daily newspapers are available for use in the library only. They do not circulate. Current issues for that day are kept behind the circulation desk and are available upon request. The library keeps up to 2 weeks of back issues in the Judy Williams Reading Room next to the historic Villager collection. 

  • Boston Globe
  • New York Times

For reference purposes, a historic collection of the Northborough/Southborough Villager is shelved within built-in wooden shelving of the historic Judy Williams Reading Room.

Magazines are available for checkout, and are located on the main floor across from the elevator. Back issues from the current year are kept in cubby holes "behind" the displayed issue. 

Children's magazines are kept in the downstairs Children's Room. For help in locating a specific title, please ask a staff member downstairs.

Have suggestions for newspapers & magazines? Please email Ryan Donovan, Library Director: