Southborough Library
Southborough Library

  Catalog     Website  

General Library Guides

Pathfinders to Library Resources

Space Resources - A list of library resources regarding space.

Food Insecurity & Housing Assistance - Contact info for 15 groups that offer support for food insecurity and housing. 

Gardening for Kids - Suggestions of garden plants, list of necessary garden tools, and instructions for plant care, as well as related children's books. 

Herb Gardening for Adults - Advice on what plant suits your garden, step by step garden instructions, and related books and online titles that can further your growing knowledge!

Knitting Resources - a guide with local resources, websites, and books and relavant books from the library's collection on knitting.

LibraryH3lp Chat - Find out how to access the library's online chat box, which is monitored by staff while the library is open.

Money Matters - Find books in our catalog for children and youth to get a head start on financial literacy!

Unemployment Assistance - Websites and books that help with finding job openings, submitting applications, receiving unemployment benefits, and forming professional connections. 

Resources for Textile Recycling - includes information on recycling textiles in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Resources for the Visually Impaired - Online resources for the visually impaired, including programs and apps to assist with reading and writing and the library's electronic magnifier.

Student Resources - Includes websites that help with career choices and prep for your first job. Also includes resources to help with college applications and selections.

Teen Mental Health - Websites that offer guidance and resources for mental heath,and YA nonfiction books geared toward maintaining a healthy mindset and caring for mental health. 

Youth Creative Writing - Websites with writing prompts and online tools to help expand vocab and writing skills. A selection of suggested titles as well. 

Electronic Resources

Access our Reference Databases Online!

Ancestry Library Edition - Resources and documents to research your family history.

Consumer Reports - Your one stop shopping resource. Research before you buy!

Creativebug - Video 'how to' presentations on arts and crafts topics.

Cypress Resume - An easy-to-use personal resume builder designed for the novice.

Data Axle Reference Solutions - An up-to-date business directory with detailed information. Include white pages online.

HelpNow - Live online tutoring help and study support for grades 1-12.

JobNow - Live online job coaching and job search support, including resume and cover letter review.

JSTOR - A digitized archive of major scholarly journals in many academic fields, including the humanities.

Kanopy - Educational and entertainment streaming videos. Includes The Great Courses collection.

Freegal - Stream and download music for free with your library card.

Mango Languages - Learn a new language with this interactive resource. Over 60 languages available.

Massachusetts Newspapers - Electronic, searchable access to 256 different Massachusetts newspapers.

Nuwav Legal Documents - Need a living will? Download different legal document templates from this resource.

Idea Lab LibGuides

For Equipment in the Teen Room

3D Printing - Beginner info on necessary steps, materials, and useful resources to get started on that printing!

Blue Yeti Podcaster - Learn how to use the library's podcast microphone to start your own recordings, and read advice to keep in mind when recording and uploading material.

Button Maker  - Steps for using the button maker to start making buckets and boxes of buttons. 

Canon Camera - Pointers on successful videography and photography and texts at the library with more info. 

Dremel 3000 Rotary Tool - Safety precuations for beginners, steps for starting a project, beginner project examples, and online articles and videos with suggestions and demonstrations. 

Dremel Bit Table - An illustrated list of accessory bits for the rotary tool.

Dremel Digilab Laser Cutter - Learn how to create and edit vector and bitmap files and find inspiration for your laser project.

How to Use a Green Screen - Instruction on use of the green screen and reserving it at the library, and resources regarding how to adapt images and videos digitally. 

Image Editing with GIMP - Advice on using GIMP to edit images, including necessary files and tools and related books and online resources. 

MakeyMakey - Get intro info on how the Makey Makey works and find some projects to try out!

Website Development - See a list of  web hosting platforms, programs for writing http, suggested titles, and websites about creating your own platform.